Malei Young

Seattle Artist

“Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life” — Picasso

Artist’s Statement

The foundation of my work is based on two elements, the circle and the painting process.

The circle remains a constant throughout history, representing the nature of the physical world and symbolically embodying the sacred. The circle has also become a constant in my work and an important part of my painting vocabulary. I have come to accept it as an intrinsic symbol and borrowed its form for the purpose of study. I believe the circle comments on the connectedness of all things. It is nature’s pattern, and we are innately part of her numinous cycles.

Ralph Waldo Emmerson describes it best in his essays on circles:

Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end to nature; but every end a beginning
– Emmerson 1883, Essays, Circles

Painting is a practice for me. It affords transcendent moments of being. It bares witness to expressions of myself in real time while archiving my visual history and plotting my search for meaning.

About The Artist

Malei Young is a native of Seattle. She has been represented by several prestigious galleries across the Pacific Northwest, United States, and Internationally and has achieved numerous accolades with her work. When she is not painting she is probably playing tennis. She is married and a mother to a son and a black lab. She resides in the Madison Park area of Seattle.



(*Solo Exhibitions)

2020 – Woodside Braseth Gallery, Holiday Show, Seattle, WA
2019 – Art Fair Seattle Woodside Braseth Gallery, Century Link Field Event Center
Woodside Braseth Gallery, Fall Group Show, Seattle WA
2017 – *The Hardware Store Gallery, Vashon Island, WA
2014 – Friesen Gallery Sun Valley, Idaho FILTERED: What does love look like?
2011 – *A Study in Wax, Wendy Amdal, Seattle, WA
2008 – *Of Energy and Ether Whitman College Walla Walla, WA:
Robert Daniel Gallery Tacoma, WA Grand Opening
2006 – Seattle Art Museum Gallery Seattle, WA Introductions
2004 – Alysia Duckler Galley Portland, OR Group Show
2003 – *Caesura Friesen Gallery, Seattle, WA


1991 – Northwestern University,  Courses in Lithography & Art Criticism
1990 – M.F.A. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY, Major in Painting & Printmaking
1989 – Eastern Washington University,  Courses in Painting and Drawing
1987 – B.F.A. Whitman College, Emphasis in Printmaking
1987 – Royal College of Art, London, Courses in Textile Design & Advanced Printmaking

Malei Young is Represented By

Woodside Braseth Gallery

Established in 1961, the Woodside/Braseth Gallery is the oldest and one of the most respected galleries in the Pacific Northwest. They are widely acclaimed for the high quality of the objects they sell, their expertise in all areas of contemporary art, and their distinctive exhibitions.

Woodside Braseth Gallery
(206) 622-7243
1201 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101



“Malei young’s Commitment to abstraction is a worthy endeavor. Her gentle sensibility is clearly leading her somewhere, and Young’s ‘pushing of the boundaries’ is deserved of support.”

Tom Lieber

“Strongly formal, frontal, and rooted in geometry, Malei Young balances external and internal worlds with paint and private iconographies. That her painting elicit such interpretations is a tribute to a considerable intellectual and painterly ability”

Mathew Kangas
Writer and Art Critic


“Ms. Young displays deft command of her materials and a sensibility toward their application. Her formal approach to abstract concepts is tempered by an energetic and vigorous blend of form.”

Chase W Rynd
Executive Director Emeritus, National Building Museum


“The depth, spatiality and intellectual challenge of a Malei Young Painting is as uncommon as the passion and devotion with which she paints. The experience of her continued progression has been truly awe-inspiring.”

Andria Friesen
Owner, Freisen Gallery Sun Valley Idaho

Email Malei Young

Social Media

Woodside Braseth Gallery

(206) 622-7243